2020 Resolutions: Mindfulness

The new year and new decade are right around the corner! A new year is a time to start over fresh and be the best version of yourself! Whatever you want to work on, whether it’s to be healthier or to be less stressed out, now is the time to start.

Hello, my name is Samantha and I’m the operations coordinator here at Hello Promo! I get stressed easily and lately have a lot on my plate with a new house, a new dog, and everyday work and life stress. Change has been the theme of this year and it has brought on a lot of stress and panic. What I want to work on in this upcoming new year is mindfulness! I want to be able to not react when I’m stressed and learn ways to distract myself when I am anxious and stressed out. New year, new me, right? Mindfulness may seem like a scary word but what it means to me is being in control of myself, my mind, and my thoughts. I control myself not the anxious thoughts in my head.

I will be starting small with mindfulness and making it my own. Here are some tips that I have learned to start with:

  1. Listing out affirmations and what you’re grateful for.
  2. Doing yoga or meditation daily.
  3. Switching out junk food with healthy snacks.
  4. When feeling anxious or overwhelmed, distract yourself with activities such as coloring, stacking blocks, reading, writing, or exercise.
  5. Setting daily goals and tasks for the day.

Life can get stressful but if you’re more in tune with yourself you can cope and limit your stress. Here’s to a new year and being mindful! Click here to check out some products to help with mindfulness.

Do you have a project in mind? Feel free to reach out and let us know what you are looking to do. You can email us at info@hello-promo.com or feel free to call us at 866.864.2602.

Sam Sonnenberg

Organization Ninja